How to play!

What you need

  • Minecraft Java Edition
  • Internet Access
  • Technic launcher

How to install tech launcher

  1. Go to and click the button that says get the launcher.
  2. Follow all prompts on your screen.

How to install pixelmon

  1. When you have technic launcher downloaded, open it then go to the bottom left and log in with your Minecraft java credentials.
  2. Then click on the modpacks tab at the top of the screen.
  3. In the search bar type in "pixelmon".
  4. Select "Pixelmon reforged" from the list that shows up then hit the install button.

How to join the server

  1. Once the pack has finished downloading, click the play button.
  2. When you reach the menu on Minecraft, click the multiplayer text.
  3. Scroll down to where the server "pocketpixels network" is listed and double click to join. Or you can click direct connect and type in the IP: "" into the field and then click join server.
  4. Have fun!

How to play: direct installation

What you need:

  • Minecraft Java edition
  • Forge 1.12.2
  • Pixelmon mod jar

How to install forge:

  1. Go to http://files/ and download the installer.
  2. After it is finished downloading, open it and follow all the prompts to install.

How to install Pixelmon:

  1. Go to and click download the mod jar file.
  2. For Windows:

    • Press WIN + R on your keyboard. Then in the prompt type "%appdata%\.minecraft" and click OK.
    • If this is your first time installing mods, create a folder titled "mods".
    • Drag the pixemon jar into the mods folder.

    For Mac:

    • In the finder, in the FO menu select "go to folder" and then type "~/library/application support/minecraft" then hit GO.
    • If this is your first time installing mods, create a folder titled "mods".
    • Drag the pixelmon jar into the mods folder.
  3. Open Minecraft And where it says latest release click on the arrow next to it and select forge to switch to activate forge.
  4. Click the play button.
  5. Follow the steps above for technic launcher to connect to the pocket pixels network.